

发布时间: 2024-05-17 12:52:08北京青年报社官方账号





As the European proverb goes, "Falsehood, like a nettle, stings those who meddle with it". In face of the gathering clouds of trade war in North America, Asia and Europe, it is time for the "silent majority" to muster the courage to expose the lies of the American politicians, oppose trade bullying, and stand up against protectionism and unilateralism. If the world economy is to stay open and outward-looking, and work in the interests of all, then the authority of the World Trade Organisation must be upheld.


As their numbers continue to grow, Chinese outbound tourists are undergoing significant changes in travel preferences, behaviors and spending patterns, according to Alex Dichter, a senior partner at McKinsey and lead author of a report on the changing paradigm of Chinese outbound tourists.


As the CNN reported, citing a source familiar with the situation, the whistle-blowers were current and former employees of the US-based aviation giant. They are said to have complained about issues linked to the angle of attack sensor and the anti-stall system, MCAS, which were earlier mentioned to have played a role in the two crashes.


As the 22nd China-European Union leaders' meeting is set to be held via videoconference on Monday, observers said the two major global players could use the first official meeting between Chinese leaders and the new EU leadership to forge an even closer relationship amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


As shown in the prospectus, current shareholders include Zhejiang Dongyang Alibaba Pictures Company Limited, which holds a 7.72 percent stake, Nyingchi Tencent Technology Company, which has a 4.84 percent stake, and Wanda Film with 1.88 percent stake. Celebrities, such as Zhang Ziyi, also are on the shareholder list.


